Back to school, back to sanitizing

 The coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered the lives of students around the globe. Many students have missed an entire year of in-person schooling and maybe even more. Important events like exams, sports competitions, graduation ceremonies, etc have also been cancelled. 

Depending on where you live, schools may have reopened their gates for in-person schooling. While this sounds like it could be the end of the pandemic, this is far from the truth. The virus still exists and is mutating into different powerful strains. This means that although schools may have reopened, a lot of precautions and measures need to be taken to ensure the safety of your child. 

Let us take a brief look at some of the guidelines you should follow if you intend on sending your child back to school.

Wear a mask

Wearing a mask is absolutely essential. Make sure to send your child to school with a fabric mask that has sufficient layers to provide enough protection. Give them a backup mask as well along with a resealable bag to store the mask in while eating lunch. 

Keep your hands clean

Instruct your children to carefully wash their hands with soap and water regularly and especially before meals. Additionally, give them a pocket hand sanitiser that should also be used at regular intervals. 

Along with regular washing and sanitizing habits, instruct your child to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose, ears etc. 

Vkleen Solutions provides the best alcohol-based hand sanitiser gels in many different fragrances and sizes. The special formula used ensures protection from germs and also contains moisturizers that will leave the palms feeling soft and fresh. The sanitisers are available in different sizes right from a 60ml pack to a 5L bottle. 

Practise social distancing

Social distancing is another important measure that should not be ignored. WHO recommends keeping a distance of at least six feet or two metres between individuals. Make sure that the desks and chairs in your child’s classroom have been arranged in an appropriate way. Instruct your child to obey these social distancing norms and in case it is not already being followed, request the school to provide staggered recesses or to let children eat at their desks. 

Stay home if sick

The most irresponsible thing you can do is continue to send your child to school even if he/she is showing symptoms of the coronavirus. In case your child is showing any of these symptoms, do not let them out for school or any other activities.

  • Cough

  • Fever

  • Runny Nose

  • Nasal Congestion

  • Sore Throat

  • Muscle Aches

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Loss of taste and smell

  • Nausea and Vomiting

  • Pink Eye

In case they are showing any of these symptoms, it is wise to do a Covid-19 RT PCR Test.


The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically affected our lives and sadly, is here to stay for a while. Hence, it is important to maintain clean and germ-free environments at home and in the workplace. This is where Vkleen Solutions steps in.

We provide premium quality disinfectant solutions, hand sanitisers, floor cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, toilet cleaners, and other cleaning solutions at economical prices. Trust us for your cleaning supply needs, and you will not be disappointed.


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