
Showing posts from April, 2022


 Cleaning a toilet properly can be a very unappealing job but nonetheless, it's an unavoidable task if you want to make sure your bathroom looks at its best. While it's complicated, it is also possible to get it wrong. Believe it or not, there are the right ways to clean a toilet and a proper method to ensure that you eliminate any bacteria or viruses that build up. We will tell you the right cleaning techniques that will not only give you the best results but also save you a lot of time and effort.     BATHROOM CLEANING DO’S & DON’TS   -Do begin by gathering all the cleaning supplies and prepare the area. Start by removing everything around your toilet. Cleaning a toilet/bathroom is a messy job, there is always a chance of spilling cleaners, sprays & water outside of the actual toilet. Don’t forget to use our Bacnil Power Plus Toilet Cleaner for a power packed result.   -Always do remember to apply the toilet cleaner to the bowl and allow...